1. Saja vs Tyr Photo Challenge

      Join forces with Team Saja or Team Tyr to battle it out in the saga of good versus evil. The Tyr vs Saja Photo Challenge is a competitive event held during the There Is Feudal theme in the Virtual World There. Pledge your allegiance to Saja or Tyr and complete the photo challenge on your own or with friends.

      MISSION: Tyr vs Saja Photo Challenge – Thursday, July 2nd at 8:00 PM EST


      At the start of the event, teleport to Pocket’s Paintball Park to begin your mission. Before you lies two separate paths to adventure. The quest on the left leads to the land of Saja. The quest on the right leads to the land of Tyr. You must choose wisely.

      On your mission you will travel to 3 different spots in the Virtual World There. Follow the photo challenge instructions at each quest clue to discover the next photo shoot location. You will need to provide photographic evidence of your journey and prove your allegiance to the team.

      You may choose to do a solo-mission or join forces with your chosen team to accept the Tyr vs Saja Photo Challenge. You have a span of two hours to complete your mission to earn points for Team Saja or Team Tyr. During the competitive team event, click on the Saja or Tyr Quest clue to get started. Answer the quest clue to depart to your first photo location. Follow the quest clues to complete the Tyr vs Saja Photo Challenge.


      The object of the Tyr vs Saja Photo Challenge is to earn the most points for your team. Each member of the highest scoring team will earn a special prize. In order to be eligible for the special team prize, you’ll need to register your Avatar name by completing the Saja Quest or the Tyr Quest in addition to submitting your entry by email for the photo challenge.

      -Earn 3 points for your team by entering the photo challenge.
      -Earn 2 points for every successfully completed photo task.
      -Earn 1 point for every Avatar present in your photo.


      1. You must dress accordingly to your alliance for each photo. Find an outfit in Auctions and either purchase it or use the Try-It option for free.
      2. You must email your three photos to Feedback@thereinc.com with the following information:
        -Email Subject: Saja vs Tyr
        -Your Avatar Name
        -Your Team – Saja or Tyr
        -Attach Your 3 Photos
        DO NOT post your photos to Facebook. They will be featured in a There blog post and highlighted on the official There Facebook page.

      The Professional Photographer Award will be given to the participant with the best overall photo during the mission. The winner of this award will receive a RLX Green Turbo Hoverbike or a Flying Machine Hoverboat.

      To be considered for this prestigious award, all 3 of your photo submissions must fit the following criteria:

      1. Photo must be clear of chat bubbles and name tags.
      2. Compass, menus and IM windows must be turned off or minimized.
      3. Desktop screen grabs must be edited. Remove your computer background. Crop out any There menus.
      4. There must be something funny, creative or interesting happening in the photo. It could also be a large group photo of either Team Saja or Team Tyr.

      ***YOU CAN PLAY FOR BOTH TEAMS! Do the photo quest for Saja and send in an entry. Do the photo quest for Tyr and send in a separate entry. Invite your friends along and encourage them to enter the photo challenge too.


      Team Saja Photo Task #1

      Team Saja Photo Task #2

      Team Saja Photo Task #3

      Team Tyr Photo Task #1

      Team Tyr Photo Task #2

      Team Tyr Photo Task #3

      Best of luck to all of our participants! The Tyr vs Saja Photo Challenge was brought to you by the There Is Feudal themed event in There.

      Updates to Guidelines & Introduction of New Policies

      ANNOUNCEMENT- There.com has updated their Virtual World Developer Submission Guidelines and added a new Offensive Item Policy and Harassment Resolution Outline. The Developer Program updates and addition of behavior guidelines are effective immediately. We have outlined and summarized the changes below. We strongly encourage you to read the articles in their entirety so that you can get a good understanding of the changes we’ve made to the There service.

      The Terms of Service (TOS) agreement has remained the same. The copyright year and company contact information has been updated. We’ve added helpful and relative article links to the bottom of the TOS.

      The following updates have been made to the Developer Submission Guidelines:

      1. Update to the Inappropriate Material paragraph.
      2. “No group attacks” and “No racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, etc. materials are permitted” have been added to the Inappropriate Material’s list.
      3. Virtual items depicting the U.S. Confederate flag and other signs of oppression will no longer be accepted into the There Developer Program.
      4. The list of Designer objects deemed inappropriate has been updated.
      5. Cannabis and references to blood and gore are now permitted that There is an adult Virtual World with an age limit of 18+. (No minors are allowed to use our service.)
      6. The 3rd Offence Developer warning has been updated.

      Here is a summary of the Offensive Item Policy:

      1. Any U.S. Confederate flag virtual object currently in-world will no longer be allowed to be listed in the Auctions. Any U.S. Confederate flag object must stay within the boundaries of a private Real Estate Zone owned by the holder of the virtual item.
      2. Members cannot use language/clothing/props/vehicles/documents/signs/activity flags in any new member landing area, any There-owned Zone or privately held member-owned Zone that are considered to be racist, homophobic, sexist, xenophobic, etc. towards any individual or group.
      3. Members will no longer be allowed to list “boycott (insert blank)” or “protest (insert blank)” props/clothing/vehicles/decorations in the Auctions.
      4. Members cannot hold/wear/drive “boycott” or “protest” virtual items in any There-owned Zone or private member-owned Zone. Members can wear these items in their own private Real Estate Zones or out in the wide-open spaces in There.
      5. Members can hold/wear/drive “protest” or “boycott” virtual items at a distance of 100 meters away from outside of a There-owned Zone or private member-owned Zone.
      6. Commitment to tolerance and equality in There statement.

      Here is a summary of the Harassment Resolution Outline:

      1. Commitment to tolerance and equality in There statement.
      2. Clear outline of bad behavior and the steps Staff will take to enforce the Terms of Service.
      3. Three strikes you’re out policy. It includes two warnings and results in a hardware ban on the third offense.
      4. Clear steps to report harassment to There Staff.
      5. List of links to helpful resources.

      We understand the updates to our current Developer Submission Guidelines and the addition of two new articles requires some lengthy reading. Our company appreciates you taking the time to read the documents and familiarize yourself with the most current and up-to-date behavior guidelines in the Virtual World There. We have created these updates and new additions with the intent to provide a safe environment with equal opportunity and rights for ALL Thereians.

      Questions, comments and feedback can be emailed to There Staff at Feedback@thereinc.com.

      Terms of Service (TOS)
      Customer Service & Enforcement of the TOS
      Terms of Service: Religious, Political & Controversial Issues and the Role of Customer Service
      Terms of Service: Harassment Resolution Outline
      Terms of Service: Offensive Items Policy
      Behavior Guidelines
      Developer Submission Guidelines
      What To Do About Griefers

      Tyr vs Saja Photo Challenge

      Join forces with Team Saja or Team Tyr to battle it out in the saga of good versus evil. The Tyr vs Saja Photo Challenge is a competitive event held during the There Is Feudal theme in the Virtual World There. Pledge your allegiance to Saja or Tyr and complete the photo challenge on your own or with friends.

      There will be two Tyr vs Saja Photo Challenge events during the There Is Feudal theme. Sign up to participate in the photo challenges to earn prizes.

      MISSION 1: Saja vs Tyr Photo Challenge – Friday, June 26th at 5:30 PM PDT

      MISSION 2: Tyr vs Saja Photo Challenge – Thursday, July 2nd at 5:00 PM PDT


      Teleport to the event location. Before you lies two separate paths to adventure. The quest on the left leads to the land of Saja. The quest on the right leads to the land of Tyr. You must choose wisely.

      On your mission you will travel to 3 different spots in the Virtual World There. Follow the photo challenge instructions at each quest clue to discover the next photo shoot location. You will need to provide photographic evidence of your journey and prove your allegiance to the team.

      You may choose to do a solo-mission or join forces with your chosen team to accept the Saja versus Tyr photo challenge. You have a span of two hours to complete your mission to earn points for Team Saja or Team Tyr. During the competitive team event, click on the Saja or Tyr Quest clue to get started. Answer the quest clue to depart to your first photo location. Follow the quest clues to complete the Tyr vs Saja Photo Challenge.


      The object of the Tyr vs Saja Photo Challenge is to earn the most points for your team. Each member of the highest scoring team will earn a special prize. In order to be eligible for the special team prize, you’ll need to register your Avatar name by completing the Saja Quest or the Tyr Quest in addition to submitting your entry by email for the photo challenge.

      -Earn 3 points for your team by entering the photo challenge.
      -Earn 2 points for every sucessfully completed photo task.
      -Earn 1 point for every Avatar present in your photo.


      1. You must dress accordingly to your alliance for each photo. Find an outfit in Auctions and either purchase it or use the Try-It option for free.
      2. You must email your three photos to Feedback@thereinc.com with the following information:
        -Email Subject: Saja vs Tyr
        -Your Avatar Name
        -Your Team – Saja or Tyr
        -Attach Your 3 Photos
        DO NOT post your photos to Facebook. They will be featured in a There blog post and highlighted on the official There Facebook page.

      The Professional Photographer Award will be given to the participant with the best overall photo during each mission. The winner of this award will receive a RLX Green Turbo Hoverbike or a Flying Machine Hoverboat.

      To be considered for this presteigous award, all 3 of your photo submisions must fit the following criteria:

      1. Photo must be clear of chat bubbles and nametags.
      2. Compass, menus and IM windows must be turned off or minimized.
      3. Desktop screengrabs must be edited. Remove your computer background. Crop out any There menus.
      4. There must be something funny, creative or interesting happening in the photo. It could also be a large group photo of either Team Saja or Team Tyr.

      ***YOU CAN PLAY FOR BOTH TEAMS! Do the photo quest for Saja and send in an entry. Do the photo quest for Tyr and send in a separate entry. Invite your friends along and encourage them to enter the photo challenge too.

      Best of luck to all of our participants! The Tyr vs Saja Photo Challenge was brought to you by the There Is Feudal themed event in There.

      There Is Feudal

      Sign up for THERE IS FEUDAL events in the Virtual World There.com June 21st – July 5th. Join the battle of good versus evil. Soar high in the sky with the good Samaritans of Saja or gravitate towards the dark side and join forces with the evil Tyr brigade. What side does your allegiance fall on?

      The There Is Fuedal battle of good versus evil will play out high in the sky in the land of Saja suspended from plant pods and on the ground under the light of the moon in the darkness of the island of Tyr. Explore these two very different environments in the Virtual World There and decide on a team to root for. (Hint-You can change sides at any time.) Locate the base camp in Saja or Tyr and set up a campsite for the duration of the There is Feudal event. You can also rent an affordable ThereHouse on Tyr.

      Once you pledge your allegiance to a base camp. Purchase a PAZ from Shop Central and drop it the environment of your choice. You can then decorate your campsite with items from Auctions. Search for Tyr and Saja themed decorations.

      The Engee Skyway Raceway and Light Lanes FunZones located in the land of Saja are available for open hosting events during There Is Feudal. Event Hosts are also welcome to schedule events for There is Feudal at Pocket’s Paintball Park, Venue Vash and the Templar on the mysterious island of Tyr. Check out the list of FunZones available for open hosting events.

      Dress the part and find Sajan and Tyrian clothing available in the Auctions. You can also search for elf, fairy, knight, medieval, renaissance fair and other fun costumes in Auctions.

      Sign up for the There is Feudal kickoff event scheduled for Sunday, June 21st. Storm the castle and choose a side to pledge allegiance to. Meet up with other Sajan and Tyrian community members.

      Technically, you don’t have to pick a side. If you feel like dressing up as a mystical fairy from the land of Saja on a Tuesday and then switch up your look to be a dark overlord from Tyr on a Friday, go for it. It’s all about having fun and participating in online themed events in There. Most of the events scheduled during There Is Feudal are regular weekly events and members are encouraged to dress up. A couple of the events are competitive Saja versus Tyr events. Pick and choose a There Is Feudal event that works best for you.

      Upcoming Changes to There Documentation

      ANNOUNCEMENT: Next week There.com will be updating our Terms of Service and Developer Submission Guidelines. We will be adding a policy for offensive items in There-Owned Zones as well as a Harassment Resolution Outline. The updates to our documentation will go into effect immediately upon the date of release. We will make another announcement when the updates have been posted. We appreciate your cooperation with the changes to our service.

      Virtual Gardening in There

      The hillsides, valleys and waterways of the virtual world There.com are blooming with flowers and plants during the Spring Garden Festival. Thereians have planted victory gardens, flower beds, tropical flora, cannabis farms, garden hideaways and more during the month-long festival.

      Take a self-guided tour of the 2020 Garden Decorating Contest entries. Click on the hyperlink for the garden details page and then click visit to teleport while you are logged into the 3-D world There to visit the virtual gardens.

      Intelligent Design Greenhouse by Agapelove
      Fleuris De Jardin by BlueAnn
      The Greenhouse by Charlie__BST
      Laleeda Thereian Memorial Garden by Christone
      Cissy’s Famous Red Wine by Cissy_59
      Dave’s Botanical Grove by Dave008
      EmmaJean’s Garden Lot by EmmaJean
      MAHALOJUANA FARMS by fatjohn
      Aloha Gardens by HoodAvie
      Dragon Riders Yard by LadyMisty
      Water Garden Lounge by Lemon28
      Fifi’s Garden by MademoiselleFifi
      Lavender Fields Forever by Megs_Happy
      Avian Garden by NancyJo
      Pen’s Garden at Kipp by Penguin16
      Lakeview Falls Clubhouse by Superdale
      Flamingo Tea Garden by Susanszy
      Peaceful Hideaway by VeryKerry
      Grotto Garden by _Squirrelett

      All of the contestants received a special garden gift for planting a garden this year. The gardeners gathered at the Garden Tea Party event on Tuesday to roll the dice for the garden grand prize. It was a tie-breaker event with two contestants rolling the same high number. Congratulations to Megs_Happy for winning the highest score and taking home the Spring Garden Festival commemorative t-shirt and buggy along with a one-drop garden to add to her already stunning and beautiful garden contest entry.

      Megs_Happy Garden Grand Prize Winner

      Spring Garden Contest

      The Spring Garden Festival is in full bloom in the virtual world There.com. We invite all Thereians who plant a garden this year to enter the 2020 Spring Garden Contest. We have a special garden gift for all participating gardeners and there will be a garden grand prize for a lucky dice-roll winner.

      Gardens come in all shapes and sizes. Any size Lot, PAZ or Neighborhood is welcome to enter the Spring Garden Contest. To enter the contest, plant your virtual garden in There and then email the subject line “Garden Contest” to feedback@thereinc.com and include your Avatar name along with a link to your garden. Participants have until Sunday, May 17th at 6:00 PM Pacific to submit their garden entries. A special garden gift and entry confirmation email will be sent to all gardeners.

      On Tuesday, May 19th dress in your finest fashion for a fancy Garden Tea Party celebrating the Spring Garden Contest winner. A dice-roll will be held at the beginning of the event for all gardeners who participated the contest. The gardener with the highest number rolled will win the garden grand prize. After the dice-roll and tea time, we will embark on a tour of the garden entries. Sign up for the Garden Tea party starting at 5:00 PM Pacific on May 19th. Gardeners must be present at the dice-roll for a chance to win the grand prize.

      If you have not planted your virtual garden in There yet, search Garden Auctions for items like flowers, plants and trees to get an idea of what kind of garden you’d be interested in growing. Designers are adding new flora and gardening tools every week during the Spring Garden Festival.

      As an additional bonus for submitting an entry to the Spring Garden Contest, the Garden Committee will be keeping an eye out for special themed gardens. If your garden entry is one of the Spring Garden Festival weekly themes you may be awarded a special garden trophy by the Garden Committee. There will be a different garden theme for each week in the month of May during the festival. Week one will feature flower gardens. Trees, forests and jungles will take the spotlight for the second week. Vegetable gardens will be celebrated in week three and the last week of May will feature fruit, orchards and vineyards.

      Gardening in the real-world can be an outlet for people stuck at home during the COVID-19 crisis. For those folks who cannot escape outside and dig their hands in the earth, the virtual world There offers a place for people to garden, relax and take their mind off things. Join us during the Spring Garden Festival in the month of May to celebrate virtual gardens in There.

      Spring Garden Festival

      April showers bring May flowers. During the month of May, the Thereian community will celebrate virtual gardening. Grow your own flowers, ferns, vineyards, fruit orchards and victory gardens in There.com during the Spring Garden Festival.

      Enjoy garden tours, a fashion show, games, quests, a decorating contest, real-world gardening education and more. Win spring prizes at some of the different garden parties and events throughout the month of May.

      The community will be growing all different types of gardens in There during the Spring Garden Festival. Weekly garden themes will start on Friday, May 1st. Week one will feature flowers and ferns. Trees, forests and jungles will take the spotlight for week two. Victory gardens are making a comeback and will be celebrated in week three. The fourth and final week will be dedicated to fruit, orchards and vineyards.

      Week 1 – Flowers
      Week 2 – Trees
      Week 3 – Vegetables
      Week 4 – Fruit

      You can plant your virtual garden almost anywhere in There. If you are looking for dirt to till, there are plots of land available to cultivate at the There Community Garden. All new tenants who plant a garden during the month of May will be entered into a dice roll for one month worth of free rent in the Community Gardens. Join the There Community Gardens Club to rent a virtual garden plot.

      Keep an eye out for upcoming details about the Spring Garden Decorating Contest in There during the month of May. All gardeners will receive a garden gift for participating in the decorating contest and four themed gardens will earn a special 2020 Spring Garden Contest trophy.

      You don’t have to have an actual green thumb to grow a garden in the Virtual World There. Vegetation magically exists without water and thrives from round the clock artificial sunlight. Search the Auctions for the latest garden goods and plant your own virtual garden in There.

      Virtual Caravan Challenge

      Join us for the Caravan Challenge in the Virtual World There.com Friday, March 3rd and Wednesday, March 8th! This friendly competition is a solo decorating challenge AND a photo challenge with friends. Participants must register to compete in the event with their friends.


      Teleport to the Aurora Highway Rest Stop

      Date & Time

      FRIDAY, April 3rd
      2:30 PM Pacific Caravan Challenge Week 2
      3:30 PM Pacific Caravan Challenge Awards

      WEDNESDAY, April 8th
      7:30 PM Pacific Caravan Challenge Week 3
      8:30 PM Pacific Caravan Challenge Awards


      You have one hour to complete the Caravan Challenge. You are allowed 20 minutes to decorate your assigned 10-drop caravan Lot located at the Aurora Highway Rest Stop. For the second part of the competition you will have 40 minutes to complete 5 photo tasks with your friends. When you have completed your mission, upload the photos to your Facebook page and tag the There Facebook page (@ThereVirtualWorld).

      All registered participants will be entered into a dice roll at the awards ceremony for a chance to win one of the caravans on display at the event. The ten registered Caravan Challenge competitors must be present at the awards ceremony to roll the dice for the grand prize. 

      Caravan Challenge Requirements

      1. Premium Membership Account
      2. 10 decorative virtual home and garden items in your inventory
      3. Facebook Account – Like the There Virtual World Facebook page.
      4. Three or more friends to help you with the photo challenge. They can be Silent & Basic Trial accounts.

      Join the Event Invites List IM to keep in communication with the Event Host and Co-Host during the competition.  You’ll need to join the group to be able to use the IM. The Caravan Challenge Event Host will use text chat to communicate with all participants,  but will be capable of hearing Voice for those participants who prefer to speak in real-time instead of text chat.

      There are 2 Events in the 1 1/2 – Hour Caravan Challenge
      1. Caravan Challenge – 1 hour-long event open to your group of friends and spectators.
      2. Awards Ceremony – 30-minute event open to everyone. Attendees will tour newly decorated caravans. 10 Participants will roll the dice for the Caravan Challenge grand prize.


      Registered Participant Pre-Gaming Event (30 Minutes)

      1. Go to your assigned caravan Lot. The Host will tell you your Lot number at the start of the event.
      2. Come up with a name for your team.
      3. Set a 1-Hour Event in your Lot.
      -Event Title: Caravan Challenge (Your Avatar Name)
      -Event Description: “Week 2 of Caravan Challenge. Come out to support (Team Name) during the Caravan Challenge!
      4. Send invites to your buddies and appropriate Clubs to help build up your photo challenge team.

      Caravan Challenge Event (60 Minutes)

      Part 1 – Solo Decorating Challenge (Registered Participants Only)
      1. Decorate your caravan using 10 drops. You can decorate the inside, outside or both.
      2. Complete decorating your Lot within 20 minutes.

      **You can begin the photo challenge portion as soon as you finish decorating. You do not have to wait till the allotted 20 minute decorating time is over.

      Part 2 – Photo Challenge With Friends (Anyone can help!)
      1. Get three or more friends to help you. Silent Trials and Basic Trials are welcome to participate in the photo challenge. If they are a Premium Member they will earn a free drink for participating. Silent Trials are not able to receive gifts.
      2. Read the 5 photo tasks carefully and make sure to include all required props and emotes. You can find Item Dispensers with the props needed for the photo challenge in the Aurora Highway Caravan Event Lot. The registered participant must be present in all photos with name tags turned on.

      Ready for your photo challenge?!

      PHOTO TASK #1 – Pose with the gang outside of your newly decorated caravan. Do a TRY IT with the Grape Stomp Prop. Make sure everyone has a barrel of grapes to stomp their frustrations out in. On the count of ‘3 everyone does the ‘JIG emote and the photographer captures the moment.

      PHOTO TASK #2 – Sit down at a Cracked Game table located in the Aurora Highway Rest Stop Neighborhood. Start a round of Cracked. You can play the round if you have enough time or just let the timer run out so the little chick cracks open under pressure. Take a group photo with the cracked egg at the game table AND snap a picture of the avatar holding the little chickadee.

      PHOTO TASK #3 – Make friends with the horses. The cool kids are encouraged to wear western outfits and cowboy hats. Find the best acrobat in your troupe and have them perform a ‘HANDSTAND on top of a horse. At the same time your star tumbler is upside down, the rest of your crew emotes the ‘GIDDYUP dance move. Pics or it didn’t happen!

      PHOTO TASK #4 – Word on the street from the neighboring Aurora Gulch community is that there is a wild stampede of bison roaring through populated parts of the Aurora Highway. Travelers passing through camp yesterday said their donkey got spooked from the thundering sound of the bison stampede. The poor donkey ran off hee-haw’ing down the highway with three days worth of food and their last roll of toilet paper. Tell your regulators to mount up, because it’s time to let those ranching and rodeo skills shine! Capture a photo of your posse riding a stampede of bison through the middle of the caravan camp. There are several herds out roaming the Neighborhood.

      Drop your own stampede of bison or have your crew ride the herds of bison that are already out on stampede in the Neighborhood.

      PHOTO TASK #5 – The Aurora Highway Rest Stop bathrooms have been rated 5 stars by the Thereian Transportation Agency for the past decade. Aurora caravans and travelers can count on the rest area being clean and well stocked with the “good kind” of toilet paper. The Aurora Parks and Rec Department have been able to maintain bathroom supplies for the busy rest stop location despite mass hysteria toilet paper shortages reported on the Islands of Caldera, Kansas and Nada. This last photo challenge requires your crew to steal all of the toilet paper out of the rest stop bathrooms. Yes, you get a roll of TP and you get a roll of TP and YOU get a roll of TP! EVERYBODY GETS A ROLL OF TP! To commemorate your crew’s shenanigans, cram as many of your friends as you can into the two outhouses at the Aurora Highway Caravan Events Lot. Hold your roll of stolen  toilet paper (use the Try It option) and snap a picture of the crew throwing up a ‘HOLE emote sign. Made you look! ‘rofl

      Posting Photo Tasks to Social Media
      1. Edit and crop your photos so that the background of your desktop is not showing. Make sure to turn your compass off and remove anything else that may be on your screen.
      2. Create a post on your own Facebook page and upload the photos. Make sure to tag the There.com Facebook page @ThereVirtualWorld in your post so that we can Like and Share it to our page.
      3. Tag your friends who helped participate in the photo challenge if they have a Facebook account.
      4. Post your Caravan Challenge to your Facebook page.

      Caravan Challenge Awards (30 Minutes)

      Registered Participants must be present at the awards ceremony dice roll for a chance to win the caravan prize.

      Registered challengers will roll the dice and attempt to get the lowest possible score on the 20-sided dice to win the grand prize. If there is a tie, roll again until there is a clear winner.

      Thank you for participating in the Caravan Challenge! Best of luck to you at the competition. If you enjoy this event, we encourage you to get creative and host your own events in the Virtual World of There.

      People around the world right now want to connect online with others and There.com is a great 3-D Virtual World environment to socialize and play in with friends. Help spread the word on social media and by inviting your friends!

      Caravan Challenge Registration

      “Best of luck to all of our competitors. May the odds be ever in your favor!” – Pyrena 

      Find Friends in There


      Welcome Walkway New Member Area

      Welcome Walkway New Member Area

      When you create a new member account in the Virtual World There.com your Avatar will spawn on the Welcome Walkway. The WW is a special new member area where you figure out how to move your avatar, learn to emote and communicate by text chat with new member helpers called Phoenix Stars. After you’ve got the basics down, board the There blimp at the end of the walkway to travel over to the the new member arrival area called Zona Island. Thereians like to play Paintball on Zona and meet up with new and returning members.

      Zona Island

      Zona Island New Member Landing Area

      There is a great big world with several Islands and lots of wide-open virtual space. People teleport and travel by vehicle to explore the Virtual World and discover thriving Island communities. It’s good to know when and where to find friends in There when you’re  looking socialize online. The best way to locate other members in There is by signing up for daily scheduled Events and exploring Neighborhood hangouts.

      There_Pyrena_Zosime_2020-03-24 02-46-23

      You can check the latest schedule of events on the Activities Page. On your toolbar go to Activities>Browse Activities. Find an event that sounds fun and click on the link for details. Scroll down to the bottom of the Event page and click Sign Up. You will be sent a Theremail notifying you of the start of the event. If you are logged into the 3-D Virtual World at the beginning of a scheduled activity,  you’ll receive a pop-up message that the event has started with a button to teleport.

      There_Pyrena_Zosime_2020-03-22 03-24-56

      Activities happen in There 24/7 365 days a year including holidays. The majority of events will have a Host who will welcome you and provide information about the scheduled activity. Sometimes there are self-running events on the schedule like Quests and Tours that you can do at your own pace. There are a few time zones that see higher traffic from our community. Well-attended recurring weekly events happen on weeknights between 4:00 and 10:00 PM Pacific time and throughout the day and night on the weekends. Browse the Activities page for today’s events and sign up to meet new people at fun gatherings like parties, card games, vehicle races, paintball, virtual tours, socials and much more.  You can also join the Events Invite Club to receive invitations to popular events. To join the Events Invite Club on your toolbar go to People>Find A Group>Search “Events Invite List” click Join Now.


      Many of our  members enjoy building and decorating their virtual dream homes in There. You can find communities of people living and playing in Neighborhood Zones. There are all different types of Neighborhoods to explore and meet new people at. Go on a self-guided tour to check out all of the themed communities. You might run into your future neighbors along the way. Open the Places page to find a list of Neighborhoods to tour. On your toolbar go to Places, scroll down to the Information section on the right and click on View All NH Zones. Find a place that looks interesting and teleport to meet new friends.

      There_Admin_Shopkeeper_2020-03-24 21-28-38

      There_Admin_Shopkeeper_2020-03-24 21-31-04



      FAQs | Find Friends | Decorate Your Home | Real Estate Set-Up Manuals

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