For information about COVID-19 relief for loans owned by the U.S. Department of Education, go to Federal Student Aid’s information page at
Check to see which Nelnet-serviced loans are eligible.
If you are enrolled in Auto Debit, no payments will be withdrawn at this time. Your next payment will not be debited until October 2020.
Please note:
· Your online account will reflect your normal interest rates even though you are not accruing interest.
· Your online account will reflect your regular monthly payment amount even though a payment will not be due as a result of the six-month forbearance placed on all federally held student loans.
· You won’t receive paper or electronic statements during the six-month forbearance.
For accounts that start with an E, a six-month administrative forbearance applies through 9/30/20:
You can opt out of this forbearance if you\'d like. Here\'s how.
','isChatOn':'true','isMmaAvailable':'true','mmaDisableDisplay':'Our system is currently down for maintenance. Please try again in a couple of hours. We apologize for any inconventience.
Current and prospective borrowers are entitled to receive any student loan related communication or document in an accessible, alternative format. Borrowers interested in receiving student aid forms, student loan statements, notices, written communications, and publications in alternative formats should contact us directly at 888.486.4722 or by email at Nelnet offers various alternative formats such as Braille, large print, audio CD, and digital navigable formats supported by computers and digital talking-book players, delivered through data CD, email, or other electronic means.
','eDAccessibilityStatementLinkTitle':'ED Accessibility Statement','edAccessibilityStatement':'The Department of Education is committed to providing electronic and information technologies that are accessible to individuals with disabilities by meeting or exceeding the requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C 794d). If you wish to report an issue related to the accessibility of any content on this website or with respect to any documents, forms, statements, or publications, visit U.S. Department of Education - Accessibility.
','contactUsLink':{ 'LinkText': 'Contact Us', 'Url':''},'faqLink':{ 'LinkText': 'FAQs', 'Url':''},'alternativeFormatLinkAvailable':'true','eDAccessibilityStatementAvailable':'true','forbiddenWords':'admin,password,nelnet','forbiddenWordsPassword':'Your password cannot contain your username, any form of the word "password", "corn", or "Nelnet".','forbiddenWordsUsername':'Your username cannot contain any form of the word "password", or "Nelnet".','surveyPercentage':'0','surveyOn':'False','uploadFileTypes':'.tif, .tiff, .doc, .docx, .jpg, .gif, .pdf, .jpeg','uploadFileSizeinMB':'20','cellPhonePrivacyConsent':'I agree that Nelnet or U.S. Department of Education subcontractors can contact me on my mobile device via text or call using an automated telephone dialing system or an artificial or pre-recorded voice about the status of my loans.
Additional forms are available on
','paymentAddress':'Department of Education
P.O. Box 2837
Portland, OR 97208-2837
P.O. Box 82561
Lincoln, NE 68501-2561
Department of Education
P.O. Box 740283
Atlanta, GA 30374-0283
All online payments must be submitted by 4 p.m. (Eastern) on a business day to be effective the same day. Payments submitted after 4 p.m. (Eastern) will be effective the next business day. Business days do not include weekends.
','payNowDisclaimer1Display':'true','payNowDisclaimer2Title':'How is my payment allocated?','payNowDisclaimer2Body':'Individual loans may be grouped according to the characteristics they have in common, such as same loan type and lender. Unless you direct your payment to an individual loan or loan group, the standard allocation method is followed. You can also direct payments (including partial payments) to individual loans or groups, as a one-time or recurring special payment instruction. For more information see “Can I direct payments to loans or loan groups?” below.
Payment Allocation for Loans in Repayment Status: You can direct payments (including partial payments) to individual loans or groups as a one-time or recurring special payment instruction. See “Can I direct payments to loans or loan groups?” below for more information.
When a portion of a payment is allocated to a specific loan group, payments are applied to individual loans proportionally to fees first (if applicable)*, then interest, and then to principal. If you are on an Income-Based Repayment Plan, payments are applied to interest, then fees (if applicable)*, and then to principal. Refer to How Payments Are Allocated for more information.
Paying Your Current Amount Due: Unless you direct your payment to an individual loan or loan group, the standard allocation method is as follows. Payments are allocated first to any past due groups. Once all groups are up to date, payments are allocated across groups in an active repayment status, in proportion to each group’s regular monthly payment amount, less any amount already paid for that month.
Paying More Than Your Current Amount Due: Unless you direct your payment to an individual loan or group, the standard allocation method is as follows. After your current amount due is paid, payments are allocated across loans in repayment status starting with the highest interest rate. Once the loans in repayment status with the highest interest rate are paid in full, any remaining payment amount will be allocated across the loans with the next highest interest rate. If two or more loans in repayment status have the same highest interest rate, the payment will be allocated first to the unsubsidized loans and then to the subsidized loans, in proportion to each loan’s regular monthly payment amount.
When you pay more than your current amount due, your due date on loan groups in repayment status will advance by one month each time you satisfy the regular monthly payment amount for that group. Your monthly billing statement will show $0 due for that loan group.
Paying Less Than Your Current Amount Due: Unless you direct your payment to an individual loan or loan group, the standard allocation method is as follows. Payments are allocated first to past due groups. If the current amount due is not paid, payments are allocated across group(s) from most to least delinquent, in proportion to each group’s regular monthly payment amount, less any amount already paid for that month until each loan group is at the same level of delinquency or all groups are up to date.
If you do not pay the current amount due, every loan group may become delinquent, be reported to consumer reporting agencies, be subject to late fees (if applicable)*, and may lose eligibility for borrower benefits depending on your lender’s guidelines. We encourage you to pay as much as you can, because interest accrues daily on your outstanding principal balance.
Payment Allocation for Loans Not in Repayment Status: Unless you direct your payment to an individual loan or loan group, the standard allocation method is as follows. If none of your loans are in repayment status, payments are first allocated to outstanding interest and fees (if applicable)* beginning with loans with the highest interest rate, unless the payment is made within 120 days of disbursement (see below)***. Once all outstanding interest and fees (if applicable)* have been paid on the loans not in repayment status, remaining payments will be allocated across unsubsidized loans and then subsidized loans starting with loans that have the highest interest rates.
***Payments Made Within 120 Days of Disbursement: When you make a payment within 120 days of the date your school disbursed your loan funds (the disbursement date), your payment is first applied to the original principal balance of that disbursement(s) which, in turn, reduces the amount of your loan. There is also a prorated reduction of the default/origination fee based on your payment amount. Please note, this excludes loans that are already in repayment status and consolidation loans. If a payment made within 120 days of a disbursement pays the original principal balance of that loan\'s disbursement amount in full, any additional payment amount will be allocated according to the standard allocation method, as noted above.
*The U.S. Department of Education does not assess late or returned payment fees.
**If you are enrolled in auto debit, payments will be deducted each month that your loans are in an active repayment status as noted on your monthly billing statement, even if you have paid more than the current amount due (known as being paid ahead). Payments will not auto debit for loans that are paid ahead while on an Income-Based, Income-Contingent, Pay As You Earn, or Revised Pay As You Earn repayment plan, or in a Reduced Payment Forbearance. If all of your loans are in one of these repayment plans, only your regular monthly payment amount as noted on your monthly billing statement will be automatically deducted.
','payNowDisclaimer2Display':'true','payNowDisclaimer3Title':'Can I direct payments to loans or loan groups?','payNowDisclaimer3Body':'Yes, you have the option to request your payments be allocated differently than the standard payment allocation method, as a one-time or recurring special payment instruction.
You can provide one-time or recurring special payment instructions when:
To request special payment instructions, contact us:
Additionally, you may direct one-time payments to individual loan groups and/or request to not advance your due date by logging in to your account and selecting Make a Payment. If you want to direct future online payments to an individual loan instead of directing to a loan group, you may request that your loans be ungrouped by calling us at the number above. For more information on making online payments, see How To Make a Payment.
','payNowDisclaimer3Display':'true','payNowDisclaimer4Title':'How is my due date advanced?','payNowDisclaimer4Body':'While in repayment, each time you pay a loan group\'s regular monthly payment amount, we will advance your due date by one month (see example below). If you make a partial payment, your current amount due will be reduced by the amount already paid. If your current amount due on an Income-Driven Repayment Plan is $0, prepayments will not advance your due date.
You can always pay more without penalty, which will reduce your total cost of borrowing and save you money in the long run. If you are not required to make a payment this month, you won’t be considered past due if you don’t make a payment or pay less than your regular monthly payment amount. However, we encourage you to continue paying as much as you can even if your current amount due is $0 because interest may continue to accrue on your outstanding principal balance.
To maintain eligibility for borrower benefits and repayment incentives, you may be required to continue making monthly payments even if your current amount due is $0. For more information about prepayments and how they qualify toward benefits, repayment incentives, or loan forgiveness you may be eligible for, contact us.
If you plan to pursue Public Service Loan Forgiveness for Direct Loans, visit for more information about prepayments and how a paid-ahead status impacts qualifying payments.
You also have the option to instruct us to not advance your due date more than one month, as a one-time or recurring special payment instruction. By selecting this option, your due date will only advance a single month, even though you have paid more than the current amount due. If your account is already paid ahead, selecting this option will keep your due date from advancing further, or contact us if you want your regular monthly payment amount to be due the next month. See “Can I direct payments to loans or loan groups?” above for more information.
Example: If your current amount due in August is $50 and you make an online payment for $100, your next payment will be due in October, because $100 pays the amount due in August and September. This does not restrict you from still making a payment in September, if you wish. We encourage you to continue making monthly payments because interest may continue to accrue on your outstanding principal balance.
This example is meant only as a guide. We do not guarantee it will apply to your specific circumstances. If you have questions about your loans, please contact us.
','payNowDisclaimer4Display':'true','payNowDisclaimer5Title':'Why is my payment $0?','payNowDisclaimer5Body':'If you receive a statement for $0 due, it may mean you have paid extra in the past that fully covered this month\'s payment amount, or your current repayment plan requires no payment at this time, or you are just entering repayment and no payment is due at this time. You can always pay more without penalty, which will reduce your total cost of borrowing and save you money in the long run.
If you are not required to make a payment this month, you won\'t be considered past due if you don\'t make a payment or pay less than your regular monthly payment amount. However, we encourage you to continue paying as much as you can, because interest may continue to accrue on your outstanding principal balance.
','payNowDisclaimer5Display':'true','doNotAdvanceDisclaimerTitle':'What is "do not advance due date"?','doNotAdvanceDisclaimerBody':'For more information on how your due date is advanced, see the question above.
You have the option to request one-time online payments not advance your due date more than one month. Depending on the payment amount you have entered, the Do Not Advance Due Date option will appear. By selecting this option, your due date will only advance a single month, even though you have paid more than the current amount due.
If you plan to pursue Public Service Loan Forgiveness, visit for information about prepayments and how a paid-ahead status impacts qualifying payments.
','doNotAdvanceDisclaimerDisplay':'true','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer1Title':'Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) Benefits','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer1Body':'SCRA limits the interest rate on all federal student loans that were acquired prior to military service to no more than 6%.','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer1Display':'true','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer2Title':'Military Deferment','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer2Body':'This deferment is available if you’re serving in the military on active duty, or in the National Guard on qualifying duty, during a war, other military operation, or national emergency. Refer to Resources for Servicemembers for additional information.','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer2Display':'true','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer3Title':'12–Month Military Deferment','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer3Body':'This 12-month deferment is available if you are unable to provide your military orders and are serving in the military on active duty, or in the National Guard on qualifying duty, during a war, other military operation, or national emergency.','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer3Display':'true','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer4Title':'Extend Your IDR Recertification Date with a HEROES Act Waiver','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer4Body':'The HEROES Act Waiver allows you to request an extension of the reduced payment amount on your income-driven repayment plan. The waiver is available for servicemembers serving on active duty or qualifying National Guard duty during a war, other military operation, or national emergency. Refer to Resources for Servicemembers for additional information.','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer4Display':'true','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer5Title':'0% Hostile Duty Interest Rate Reduction','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer5Body':'This 0% interest rate reduction is available on your loans for up to 60 months if you\'re serving on active duty in an area of hostilities in which your service qualifies for special pay under 37 USC 310. Refer to Resources for Servicemembers for additional information.','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer5Display':'true','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer6Title':'Mandatory Forbearance','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer6Body':'This forbearance is available if you are performing the type of service that qualifies you for a partial repayment of your loan(s) under the Department of Defense Student Loan Repayment Program, administered under 10 USC 2171.
This forbearance is available if you are a member of the National Guard and you are engaged in active state duty for a period of more than 30 consecutive days under which a governor activated you based on state statute or policy, and the activities of the National Guard are paid for with state funds; OR full-time National Guard duty under which a governor was authorized, with the approval of the President or the U.S. Secretary of Defense, to order you to state active duty, and the activities of the National Guard are paid for with federal funds.
','defermentMilitaryDisclaimer6Display':'true','autoDebitReceiptDoNotNeedNextPaymentBody':'Auto debit request successfully received. Your first payment will automatically debit on [NextCycleDate]. You are still responsible for any payments due prior to this date.','autoDebitReceiptDoNotNeedNextPaymentDisplay':'true','autoDebitReceiptNeedNextPaymentBody':'Auto debit request successfully received. Your first payment will automatically debit on [NextCycleDate]. You are still responsible for any payments due prior to this date.','autoDebitReceiptNeedNextPaymentDisplay':'true','autoDebitNewDoNotNeedNextPaymentBody':'By completing this authorization today, your first payment will automatically debit on [NextCycleDate]. No further payment is required at this time.','autoDebitNewDoNotNeedNextPaymentDisplay':'true','autoDebitNewNeedNextPaymentBody':'By completing this authorization today, your first payment will automatically debit on [NextCycleDate]. You are still responsible for any payments due prior to this date. If your account is currently past due, we may place a forbearance on your account to bring it up to date. During your forbearance, interest continues to accrue on your student loans. This means any unpaid interest will be added to your principal balance (known as capitalization) after your forbearance ends. If you would like to cancel your forbearance, you may contact us at any time. To learn more about interest capitalization, visit','autoDebitNewNeedNextPaymentDisplay':'true','losingIncentivesModalMessageTitle':'ALERT ','losingIncentivesModalMessageBody':'We couldn\'t log you in with the username and/or password you entered.
Note that for security purposes, we disable account access for one hour after 3 unsuccessful attempts to log in. You can also try:
We couldn\'t log you in with the username and/or password you entered.
Note that for security purposes, we disable account access for one hour after 3 unsuccessful attempts to log in. You can also try:
Continued failed attempts will lock your account. Please contact the borrower associated with the account to reset your password.
','authPayerAccountLocked':'Due to multiple failed attempts, your account has been locked for one hour. Please wait before attempting to log in again or contact the borrower associated with the account to reset your password.
','appliedFeesEnabled':'true','appliedFeesDisplayText':'* The U.S. Department of Education does not assess late or returned payment fees.','requiredDocsSCRA':'Required Documents for SCRANone at this time. You will receive notification within 7-10 business days when your request has been processed.
','benefitTitleSCRA':'SCRA','processingTimeSCRA':'7-10 business days','requiredDocsMilitaryDeferment':'Required Documents for Military Deferment
1. Completed Military Deferment Form, with section 4 completed by an authorized official
2. A copy of your military orders, which can be used as a substitute for required signatures
','benefitTitleMilitaryDeferment':'Military Deferment','processingTimeMilitaryDeferment':'7–10 business days*','requiredDocs12MonthMilitaryDeferment':'Required Documents for 12 Month Verbal Military Deferment
None at this timeRequired Documents for HEROES Act
None at this time. You will receive notification within 7-10 business days when your request has been processed.','benefitTitleHeroes':'HEROES Act Waiver','processingTimeHeroes':'7-10 business days','requiredDocsHostileDuty':'Required Documents for 0% Hostile Duty Interest Rate Reduction
One of the following:
Required Documents for Mandatory Forbearance
1. Completed Mandatory Forbearance Form, with section 4 completed by an authorized official
2. Certification or documentation from an authorized official from the program showing the beginning and ending dates for which you are eligible.
','benefitTitleMandatoryForbearanceQ4':'Mandatory Forbearance','processingTimeMandatoryForbearanceQ4':'7–10 business days*','requiredDocsMandatoryForbearanceQ5':'Required Documents for Mandatory Forbearance
Completed Mandatory Forbearance Form, with one of the following:
1. Section 4, completed by an authorized commanding or personnel officer
OR2. Separate documentation from an authorized commanding or personnel officer that includes all information requested in Section 4 of the Mandatory Forbearance Form
OR3. A copy of your orders
','benefitTitleMandatoryForbearanceQ5':'Mandatory Forbearance','processingTimeMandatoryForbearanceQ5':'7–10 business days*','idrEnrollProcessText':'Below lists the estimated regular monthly payment amount you could have if you apply for the repayment plan(s) shown.','companyFax':'866.545.9196','rehabTAndC':' ','economicHardshipTAndC':'Federal Family Education Loan Program / William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program
Warning: Any person who knowingly makes a false statement or misrepresentation on this online request or on any accompanying documents is subject to penalties that may include fines, imprisonment, or both, under the U.S. Criminal Code and 20 U.S.C. 1097.
Type or print using dark ink. Enter dates as month-day-year (mm-dd-yyyy). Example: March 14, 2019 = 03-14-2019. Include your name and account number on any documentation that you are required to submit with this form. If you want to apply for a deferment on loans that are held by different loan holders, you must submit a separate deferment request to each loan holder. If you have loans made jointly (as co-makers), both borrowers must individually meet the requirements for a deferment and each of you must submit a separate deferment request. Return the completed form and any required documentation to the address shown in Section 6.
The William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program includes Federal Direct Stafford/Ford (Direct Subsidized) Loans, Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford/Ford (Direct Unsubsidized) Loans, Federal Direct PLUS (Direct PLUS) Loans, and Federal Direct Consolidation (Direct Consolidation) Loans.
The Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program includes Federal Stafford Loans, Federal PLUS Loans, Federal Consolidation Loans, and Federal Supplemental Loans for Students (SLS).
The Federal Perkins Loan (Perkins Loan) Program includes Federal Perkins Loans, National Direct Student Loans (NDSL), and National Defense Student Loans (Defense Loans).
Capitalization is the addition of unpaid interest to the principal balance of your loan. Capitalization causes more interest to accrue over the life of your loan and may cause your monthly payment amount to increase. Interest never capitalizes on Perkins Loans.
Table 1 (below) provides an example of the monthly payments and the total amount repaid for a $30,000 unsubsidized loan. The example loan has a 6% interest rate and the example deferment or forbearance lasts for 12 months and begins when the loan entered repayment. The example compares the effects of paying the interest as it accrues or allowing it to capitalize.
A co-maker is one of the two individuals who are joint borrowers on a Direct or Federal Consolidation Loan or a Federal PLUS Loan. Both co-makers are responsible for repaying the full amount of the loan.
A deferment is a period during which you are entitled to postpone repayment of your loans. Interest is not generally charged to you during a deferment on your subsidized loans. Interest is always charged to you during a deferment on your unsubsidized loans. On loans made under the Perkins Loan Program, all deferments are followed by a post-deferment grace period of 6 months, during which time you are not required to make payments.
A forbearance is a period during which you are permitted to postpone making payments temporarily, allowed an extension of time for making payments, or temporarily allowed to make smaller payments than scheduled.
The holder of your Direct Loans is the Department. The holder of your FFEL Program loans may be a lender, guaranty agency, secondary market, or the Department. The holder of your Perkins Loans is an institution of higher education or the Department. Your loan holder may use a servicer to handle billing and other communications related to your loans. References to “your loan holder” on this form mean either your loan holder or your servicer.
A subsidized loan is a Direct Subsidized Loan, a Direct Subsidized Consolidation Loan, a Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan, portions of some Federal Consolidation Loans, a Federal Perkins Loan, an NDSL, and a Defense Loan.
An unsubsidized loan is a Direct Unsubsidized Loan, a Direct Unsubsidized Consolidation Loan, a Direct PLUS Loan, a Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan, a Federal PLUS Loan, a Federal SLS, and portions of some Federal Consolidation Loans.
Treatment of Interest with Deferment/Forbearance | Loan Amount | Capitalized Interest | Outstanding Principal | Monthly Payment | Number of Payments | Total Repaid |
Interest is paid | $30,000 | $0 | $30,000 | $333 | 120 | $41,767 |
Interest is capitalized at the end | $30,000 | $1,800 | $31,800 | $353 | 120 | $42,465 |
Interest is capitalized quarterly and at the end | $30,000 | $1,841 | $31,841 | $354 | 120 | $42,420 |
Family Size | Alaska | Hawaii | All Others |
1 | $1,950.00 | $1,797.50 | $1,561.25 |
2 | $2,641.25 | $2,432.50 | $2,113.75 |
3 | $3,332.50 | $3,067.50 | $2,666.25 |
4 | $4,023.75 | $3,702.50 | $3,218.75 |
5 | $4,715.00 | $4,337.50 | $3,771.25 |
6 | $5,406.25 | $4,972.50 | $4,323.75 |
7 | $6,097.50 | $5,607.50 | $4,876.25 |
8 | $6,788.75 | $6,242.50 | $5,428.75 |
Each additional person, add: | $691.25 | $635.00 | $552.50 |
If you do not live in the United States, use the poverty guideline amount in the column labeled "All Others".
Privacy Act Notice. The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. 552a) requires that the following notice be provided to you:
The authorities for collecting the requested information from and about you are §421 et seq., §451 et seq., or §461 et seq. of the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended (20 U.S.C. 1071 et seq., 20 U.S.C. 1087a et seq., or 20 U.S.C. 1087aa et seq.) and the authorities for collecting and using your Social Security Number (SSN) are §§428B(f) and 484(a)(4) of the HEA (20 U.S.C. 1078-2(f) and 1091(a)(4)) and 31 U.S.C. 7701(b). Participating in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan) Program, Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program, or Federal Perkins Loan (Perkins Loan) Program and giving us your SSN are voluntary, but you must provide the requested information, including your SSN, to participate.
The principal purposes for collecting the information on this form, including your SSN, are to verify your identity, to determine your eligibility to receive a loan or a benefit on a loan (such as a deferment, forbearance, discharge, or forgiveness) under the Direct Loan, FFEL, or Federal Perkins Loan Programs, to permit the servicing of your loans, and, if it becomes necessary, to locate you and to collect and report on your loans if your loans become delinquent or default. We also use your SSN as an account identifier and to permit you to access your account information electronically.
The information in your file may be disclosed, on a case-by-case basis or under a computer matching program, to third parties as authorized under routine uses in the appropriate systems of records notices. The routine uses of this information include, but are not limited to, its disclosure to federal, state, or local agencies, to private parties such as relatives, present and former employers, business and personal associates, to consumer reporting agencies, to financial and educational institutions, and to guaranty agencies in order to verify your identity, to determine your eligibility to receive a loan or a benefit on a loan, to permit the servicing or collection of your loans, to enforce the terms of the loans, to investigate possible fraud and to verify compliance with federal student financial aid program regulations, or to locate you if you become delinquent in your loan payments or if you default. To provide default rate calculations, disclosures may be made to guaranty agencies, to financial and educational institutions, or to state agencies. To provide financial aid history information, disclosures may be made to educational institutions.
To assist program administrators with tracking refunds and cancellations, disclosures may be made to guaranty agencies, to financial and educational institutions, or to federal or state agencies. To provide a standardized method for educational institutions to efficiently submit student enrollment statuses, disclosures may be made to guaranty agencies or to financial and educational institutions. To counsel you in repayment efforts, disclosures may be made to guaranty agencies, to financial and educational institutions, or to federal, state, or local agencies.
In the event of litigation, we may send records to the Department of Justice, a court, adjudicative body, counsel, party, or witness if the disclosure is relevant and necessary to the litigation. If this information, either alone or with other information, indicates a potential violation of law, we may send it to the appropriate authority for action. We may send information to members of Congress if you ask them to help you with federal student aid questions. In circumstances involving employment complaints, grievances, or disciplinary actions, we may disclose relevant records to adjudicate or investigate the issues. If provided for by a collective bargaining agreement, we may disclose records to a labor organization recognized under 5 U.S.C. Chapter 71. Disclosures may be made to our contractors for the purpose of performing any programmatic function that requires disclosure of records. Before making any such disclosure, we will require the contractor to maintain Privacy Act safeguards. Disclosures may also be made to qualified researchers under Privacy Act safeguards.
Paperwork Reduction Notice. According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 1845-0011. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is required to obtain a benefit in accordance with 34 CFR 674.34, 674.35, 674.36, 674.37, 682.210, or 685.204.
If you have comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, please contact your loan holder directly (see Section 7).
Electronic Signature Agreement
For purposes of this consent, “we”, “us”, or “our” means Nelnet, Inc., and “you” and “your” means the person giving this consent.
Scope. Your consent to this Electronic Signature Agreement covers the transaction you are presently completing (e.g. submission of a deferment, forbearance, auto debit request, etc.), which you will be prompted to sign electronically. You understand and agree that your electronic signature of the transaction you are presently completing shall be legally binding and such transaction shall be considered authorized by you. You understand that by checking the box and agreeing to sign electronically, your electronic signature has the same legal force and effect as a handwritten signature.
Paper Copy. At any point in this process, you will be able to print and read the information that is presented to you using your browser print option. However, the document you print upon completion of the electronic signature process may not be a complete version of the document due to system limitations and differences of technology. If you would like to receive a true and exact copy of the signed document, you may contact us.
Opting Out. At any time prior to submitting your electronic signature, you may opt out of the electronic signature process and continue with a paper process. Simply exit this session prior to accepting this Electronic Signature Agreement. You may contact us to receive and continue with a paper copy of the transaction you are presently completing.
To sign electronically, you will be prompted to enter your password. This will be used to represent your name and date signed on the electronic document along with the words Electronically Signed. Clicking submit completes the electronic signature process.
Software Requirements. In order to electronically sign the transaction you are presently completing, you will need the following minimum hardware and software requirements, which you acknowledge having by proceeding with this transaction and giving us your consent:
Federal Law. You acknowledge and agree that your consent to your electronic signature is being provided in connection with a transaction affecting interstate commerce that is subject to the federal Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, and that you and we both intend that the Act apply to the fullest extent possible to validate our ability to conduct business with you by electronic means.
','submitFormEmail':{ 'LinkText': '', 'Url':''},'submitFormEmailMilitary':{ 'LinkText': '', 'Url':''},'additionalDocumentationRequired':'Once all proper documentation is received, you will be notified of your eligibility within 7-10 business days.','additionalDocumentationNotRequired': 'No additional action is needed; you will be notified of your eligibility within 7-10 business days.','covidSandwichPageOnOff':'true','covidSandwichPageBody':'Under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the CARES Act), the U.S. Department of Education (ED) is providing payment relief by automatically applying a six-month forbearance for ED-owned accounts.
Interest is not accumulating through 9/30/20
Even though your normal interest rate will still appear
Payments are not required through 9/30/20
And Auto Debit will pause, even though your regular monthly payment amount will still appear
No statements
You won\'t receive paper or electronic statements during the six-month forbearance
You can still make payments if you choose. And, you can opt out of the forbearance to resume payments and statements.
Get more details and the latest info at Nelnet/covid-19 and
Because these accounts are held by a bank, credit union, or other lender, they\'re not eligible for CARES Act relief. You have other options.
We're here to make your student loan repayment as simple as possible. This means we:
Your 2019 tax information is now available.
Log in or create your account now to view.
Upload Documents Without Logging in to Your Account
Do you need to upload a document? There's no need to log in. Fill out our form with the requested information and attach your document.
You have several options when it comes to making payments. Pay online, use our mobile app, sign up for auto debit, and more.
Learn About Making PaymentsIf you’re struggling to make your monthly payments, we can help. Explore different repayment plans and eligibility requirements.
Explore Repayment OptionsManaging your loans is fast, easy, and seamless when you download the Nelnet mobile app In addition to making payments and viewing a detailed summary of your account, some other notable features include:
Yes, we’re a student loan servicing company – but we’re much more than that. We’re a service company specializing in consumer finance, telecommunications, and K-12 and higher education. Based in Lincoln, Nebraska, with offices around the globe, we’re 6,500+ associates working together to serve our communities and make our customers’ dreams possible. Sound interesting? That’s just the beginning.
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