1. \ ˈhü How to pronounce who (audio) , ü \

        Definition of who

         (Entry 1 of 2)

        1 : what or which person or persons used as an interrogativewho was elected?find out who they are used by speakers on all educational levels and by many reputable writers, though disapproved by some grammarians, as the object of a verb or a following prepositionwho did I see but a Spanish lady— Padraic Columdo not know who the message is from— G. K. Chesterton
        2 : the person or persons that : whoever
        3 used as a function word to introduce a relative clause used especially in reference to personsmy father, who was a lawyer but also in reference to groupsa generation who had known nothing but war— R. B. West or to animalsdogs who … fawn all over tramps— Nigel Balchin or to inanimate objects especially with the implication that the reference is really to a personearlier sources who maintain a Davidic ancestry— F. M. Cross used by speakers on all educational levels and by many reputable writers, though disapproved by some grammarians, as the object of a verb or a following prepositiona character who we are meant to pityThe Times Literary Supplement (London)
        as who
        archaic : as one that : as if someone
        as who should say
        archaic : so to speak
        who is who or who's who or who was who
        : the identity of or the noteworthy facts about each of a number of persons

        Definition of WHO (Entry 2 of 2)

        World Health Organization

        whom or who?: Usage Guide


        Observers of the language have been predicting the demise of whom from about 1870 down to the present day. one of the pronoun cases is visibly disappearing—the objective case whom — R. G. White (1870) whom is dying out in England, where "Whom did you see?" sounds affected — Anthony Burgess (1980) Our evidence shows that no one—English or not—should expect whom to disappear momentarily; it shows every indication of persisting quite a while yet. Actual usage of who and whom—accurately described at the entries in this dictionary—does not appear to be markedly different from the usage of Shakespeare's time. But the 18th century grammarians, propounding rules and analogies, rejecting other rules and analogies, and usually justifying both with appeals to Latin or Greek, have intervened between us and Shakespeare. It seems clear that the grammarians' rules have had little effect on the traditional uses. One thing they have accomplished is to encourage hypercorrect uses of whom. whom shall I say is calling? Another is that they have made some people unsure of themselves. said he was asked to step down, although it is not known exactly who or whom asked him Redding (Conn.) Pilot

        that, which, or who?: Usage Guide


        In current usage that refers to persons or things, which chiefly to things and rarely to subhuman entities, who chiefly to persons and sometimes to animals. The notion that that should not be used to refer to persons is without foundation; such use is entirely standard. Because that has no genitive form or construction, of which or whose must be substituted for it in contexts that call for the genitive.

        That vs. Which: Usage Guide


        Although some handbooks say otherwise, that and which are both regularly used to introduce restrictive clauses in edited prose. Which is also used to introduce nonrestrictive clauses. That was formerly used to introduce nonrestrictive clauses; such use is virtually nonexistent in present-day edited prose, though it may occasionally be found in poetry.

        First Known Use of who


        before the 12th century, in the meaning defined at sense 1

        History and Etymology for who


        Middle English, from Old English hwā; akin to Old High German hwer, interrogative pronoun, who, Latin quis, Greek tis, Latin qui, relative pronoun, who

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        Time Traveler for who

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        The first known use of who was before the 12th century

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        Cite this Entry

        “Who.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/who. Accessed 7 Jul. 2020.

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        More Definitions for who

        How to pronounce WHO (audio)

        English Language Learners Definition of who

        : what or which person or people
        used to question a person's character or authority
        used after a noun or pronoun to show which group of people you are talking about
        \ ˈhü How to pronounce who (audio) \

        Kids Definition of who

        1 : what or which person or people Who is that? We know who did it.
        2 used to stand for a person or people at the beginning of a clauseStudents who need help should ask for it.

        Medical Definition of WHO

        World Health Organization

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        More from Merriam-Webster on who

        Rhyming Dictionary: Words that rhyme with who

        Spanish Central: Translation of who

        Nglish: Translation of who for Spanish Speakers

        Britannica English: Translation of who for Arabic Speakers

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